Senior Managers and Emerging Leaders


The TCMA Board recently approved a partnership with the Cal-ICMA Coaching Program. This program is designed to assist senior managers grow talent and initiate staff development throughout your organization. Emerging leaders can foster relationships with senior managers who can help you develop knowledge and skills in local government management. The TCMA Professional Development Committee is working in conjunction with the TCMA Board and Cal-ICMA to brand a program that will benefit TCMA members and the cities they serve. This program will also fulfill TCMA Strategic Plan objectives to provide web-based training, leadership training, and grow new talent among its members. While Texas branding is in the development stage, the TCMA Board would like the membership to take advantage of current training being offered through the program. Webinars are offered free of charge to TCMA members and their city staff. To learn more about this new training opportunity, please click here